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Everything You Need to Know About Black Mold

A mold remediation company can locate and treat black mold at the source so it doesn't get worse.

If you found mold inside your California home, chances are you have questions about it. How did it get there? Is it toxic? What can you do to get rid of it? Below, we answer all your questions, including what to expect from a mold remediation company.

What is Black Mold?

The proper name for black mold is Stachybotrys chartarum. It is one of the most common and dangerous molds found in households. It is usually black and slimy. However, it can be powdery, too.

Many species of mold look like black mold. Generally speaking, however, black mold isn’t always Stachybotrys chartarum. A mold remediation expert can determine whether you have regular mold or Stachybotrys chartarum. 

How Black Mold Grows

Black mold needs the right conditions in order to grow. As a result, this type of mold thrives in warm, moist environments. Water damage creates too much moisture in the air. With this element present, it promotes mold growth. Consequently, this is a big reason you need to hire a mold remediation professional after suffering water damage. 

Remember that the environment must be very wet for black mold to grow. Furthermore, this area has to be soaking wet for at least a week before it grows. 

Where Black Mold Grows

Black mold grows where water damage is present. As a result, expect to find it inside walls, on floors and ceilings. Black mold grows anywhere a water leak occurs. 

Black Mold Can Make You Sick

Unfortunately, black mold can make you sick. Black mold is very toxic and dangerous to breathe in. Anyone afflicted may suffer the following physical symptoms: 

  • Nausea
  • Skin irritation and inflammation
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Weakened immune system
  • Fatigue
  • Hemorrhaging
  • Breathing difficulties and other respiratory problems 

Similarly, black mold can cause damage to your internal organs. In fact, black mold exposure may worsen symptoms for those suffering from respiratory ailments. In most cases, your symptoms will go away once you’re away from the mold exposure.

If you think you have black mold, don’t wait. Call a professional mold remediation company today. Otherwise, you could expose yourself, your house, and your family to serious harm. 

What to Expect From a Mold Remediation Company

Once hired, your mold team will determine your mold type. They will also assess moisture levels within the home. Once they do, they can use the proper cleaning solution to kill it and treat it at the source, so it doesn’t grow back. 

Call Mold Remediation Company California Steam Clean to Treat Black Mold

If you think you have black mold, call California Steam Clean. We can identify, localize, and treat black mold. 

You can easily book mold restoration services online. Call California Steam Clean at (707) 755-6961. We offer free estimates, too.