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3 Ways You Can Live With Pets And Carpet

Carpet Cleaning Services for pet owners.,

We all love our four-legged furry friends, but the reality is that pets can be very messy. Between all of the shedding, muddy paws, potential accidents, and the things they knock over, you may ask yourself how you can keep your carpet clean and odor-free. California Steam Clean can keep your home clean with carpet cleaning services that focus on spot and stain removal, odor removal, and area rug cleaning.

The reality is, as much as we dislike the clean-up that comes with pets, we love them like family. The best way you can live with pets and maintain a clean home is to stay on top of the mess and find little ways every day to keep things neat and clean. Here are three simple ways you can keep your house clean every day.

Clean Paws = Clean Carpet

It may seem simple, but it can be easy to forget to wash your pet’s paws regularly. Our feline friends can get kitty litter, dirt, dust, and grass stuck between the pads of their paws very quickly. If you don’t groom your cat or regularly trim their nails at home, chances are your cat is carrying around and scattering tiny bits of debris that can get ground down and embedded in your carpet. Dogs spend a lot of time outdoors dragging in dirt and all sorts of particles between their paws. When it is wet or dusty outside, make it a habit to keep a fresh towel near the door to wipe their feet. Some owners even purchase small doggie boots to keep their pup’s paws protected and clean when running around outside.  

Vacuum Often

Another thing that people tend to put off in the chaos of daily life is vacuuming. Most people do not enjoy cleaning, but it is essential to maintain your carpet by cleaning at least once a week. This lessens the chances of dirt, crumbs, and fur getting pushed further into the fibers of your carpet. Make it a habit to vacuum weekly, especially in high-traffic areas.

Steam Clean Your Carpet

Steam cleaning your carpet is crucial for pet owners since steam cleaning can remove more than just vacuuming can. Pets deposit a whole list of gross substances into your carpet daily – like dander, fur, dirt, grass, bugs, crumbs, and even their saliva. And don’t forget the stress of training a new pet, which inevitably leads to unwanted spots and odors. Furthermore, these stains and odors can be harmful to your health, releasing and exposing you to harmful bacteria if not properly removed. Pet odor is also challenging to remove without proper steam cleaning, because pet odors permeate multiple carpet layers. California Steam Clean uses pet-specific cleansers to remove stains and odors; we can target numerous layers within the carpet to remove troubling odor sources and avoid further carpet damage, leaving you with a clean and sanitized carpet. 

California Steam Clean excels at odor removal, spot and stain removal, and carpet cleaning for homes with furry friends. Offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee and numerous cleaning options, we are available 24/7 at 707-755-6961. Call today and be on your way to a safe and sanitized home for you and your pets.