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Can Having My Heat On Cause Mold?

Your heater can promote mold growth, making a call out to your mold remediation company necessary.

Though the calendar may say it’s spring, you still need to have the heat on to take off that evening chill some days. Can having the heat on cause mold, though? While the act itself can’t cause mold, it makes it easier for mold to grow. If you have mold in your home, reach out to a mold remediation specialist for help.

What Mold Needs to Grow

Mold needs humidity to grow. The warmer your house is, the easier it is for mold to thrive in this type of environment. In California, residents may have their air conditioner on during the day, then turn the heater on at night. When this happens, it may cause condensation around door frames and windows. Since mold likes moisture, this can create a breeding ground for mold.

Other Ways Heat Can Cause Mold Growth

Unfortunately, there are plenty of ways for mold spores to get inside your house. Maybe they existed from previous water damage. Or they may have been brought in on clothing, soiled items, or even a family pet. Once brought inside, the spores are picked up by your home’s ventilation system and circulated throughout the house.

Ways You Can Prevent Indoor Mold

Fortunately, there are several ways you can prevent indoor mold. First, make sure that you’re taking care of any spills as soon as they happen. For small leaks, get a rag to dry up the area. You may need to get a bucket to remove the water before drying the affected area for larger water leaks or damage.

The easiest way to combat ongoing mold growth is to ensure that your home’s humidity levels aren’t too high. While drying the area, open up your windows or plug in a dehumidifier to capture excess moisture in the air. Make sure your home is adequately insulated and that your HVAC system is working as it should. Your home’s interior humidity level should be 50% all day.

How a Mold Remediation Specialist Can Help

First, your mold remediation specialist will identify the species of mold growing inside your home. Then, they will use the proper cleaning solutions to kill mold at the source to prevent it from growing back.

Hiring a professional has many benefits when you need to hire a mold remediation company because mold is out of reach or there’s more of it than you can handle.

Did Your Home Recently Suffer Mold Damage? Call a Mold Remediation Specialist at California Steam Clean for Help

It’s sometimes challenging to deal with mold yourself. If you recently suffered mold inside your home due to rising temperatures, call the mold remediation professionals at California Steam Clean for help. We’ll treat mold at the source so you can feel confident that it won’t grow back.

Our number is (707) 566-0315. Call us today for a free estimate. Our team is ready to help you and your home.