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Are Dust Mites in My Air Ducts Making Me Sick?

Your air ducts could benefit from professional air dict cleaning since it'll reduce dust mites and allergens.

There are many things that we try to clean and maintain regularly. However, your air ducts might not be the first thing to come to mind. Overlooking air duct cleaning can lead to a number of potentially dangerous things. One of these is dust mites. What are dust mites and why can they cause issues? Today we’re going to answer those questions and more.

What Are Dust Mites?

Dust mites are small, insect-like pests that can cause allergies. They can even trigger asthma. The allergen they create comes from fragments of their body and fecal matter. They enjoy humidity and absorb moisture through the air. They enjoy feeding on organic matter that settles in your air ducts. There can be more than 500 mites in your air ducts at any given time.

Unfortunately, mites are more common than you think.

Why Should I Be Concerned with Dust Mites?

As previously mentioned, they produce allergens and can trigger asthma in people. Prolonged exposure to mites can also lead to more significant health issues. Dust mite exposure can also cause an immune system response called allergic rhinitis. With this, you develop severe itchy eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose. You could also develop a chronic cough and congestion.

Where Are Dust Mites Most Common?

These insect-like pests tend to live in older homes. However, they are also common in areas with high humidity. They’re also prevalent in homes that have mold or mildew.

How Do I Get Rid of Dust Mites?

When it comes to getting rid of mites, getting rid of them isn’t always easy. It is impossible to completely eradicate your home of mites. However, there are a few different things you can do to keep them to a minimum in your home:

  • Perform regular air duct cleaning – When you have your air ducts cleaned on a regular basis, it keeps dust mites from settling into the ducts. It also helps prevent allergens from circulating throughout your home, keeping the effect of the mites to a minimum.
  • Keep your humidity low – Since dust mites love humidity, it only makes sense that the less humidity there is in your home, the less likely they are to thrive. Try to keep the humidity in your home below 50%. This can be achieved by using air conditioning and dehumidifiers, as well as opening the windows on dry days to let out any humidity.
  • Reduce the number of places they can grow – While we’ve been talking about dust mites in your air ducts, there are some other areas in your home where they can grow. By minimizing the number of places, you can help fight off the dust mite population in your home. Doing things like using furniture with smooth surfaces, getting rid of curtains and drapes, using bed coverings, and washing those bed coverings in hot water once a week can keep mites from your home.
  • Clean your house – Keeping your house clean can go a long way in getting rid of dust mites in your home. Vacuuming your carpet with a high-efficiency filter vacuum and dusting your house properly can do a lot for eliminating mites.

If You Need Air Duct Cleaning, Call California Steam Clean

If you want to get dust mites out of your air ducts, call the professionals from California Steam Clean at (707) 755-6961 today to get your free estimate. Our experienced team is IIRC certified and has the know-how to tackle your cleaning project, along with the tools and knowledge to ensure that everything is properly cleaned and sanitized.