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How Mold Can Ruin Your Hardwood Floors

Mold on hardwood floors is usually the result of water damage and requires the skilled hand of a mold remediation professional.

How does mold affect hardwood floors? If water damage is left untreated, it can cause mold. Mold affects hardwood floors in multiple ways, most notably underneath them, which may force you to replace your floor completely. If your home has experienced water damage from a burst pipe or unexpected leak and mold has developed on your hardwood floors, a mold remediation company can help.

Here’s how to recognize signs of mold growth on your hardwood floors and what you can do to prevent such damage moving forward:

How Mold Affects Wooden Floors

When mold develops on hardwood floors, it causes them to warp and rot. This is because mold infestation usually occurs beneath the surface of the wood, providing an ideal environment for mold to flourish. Mold thrives in dark, humid environments.

Signs of Mold on Hardwood Floors

Foul, Musky Odors

One of the most common signs of a mold infestation is a foul, musky odor. If you walk into a room with hardwood floors and you notice a foul, musky odor, it could be a sign that mold is growing beneath your floorboards.

Noticeable Warping

Warping is another common sign of mold on hardwood floors. If a floorboard is warped, it will usually twist and curve. It may also be lifted in affected areas. Not only can these cause a falling hazard, but they are usually the result of too much humidity or moisture.

Visible Water Stains

Mold develops after water exposure, so if you notice any water stains on your hardwood floor, prepare to find mold. If you’re not sure what you’re seeing is a water stain, you can identify water damage by how the hardwood floor feels beneath your feet. If it feels soggy, it’s most likely the result of water damage.

How a Mold Restoration Crew Can Help

Treating mold yourself isn’t always recommended. This is why hiring a professional mold remediation company is crucial. Since mold usually grows beneath the floorboards, the floorboards will most likely have to be pulled up.

Once this is done, the floor will have to be properly treated. A skilled technician will have the tools and resources necessary to treat mold at the source so it doesn’t keep coming back.

Did You Find Mold on Your Hardwood Floors? Call California Steam Clean for Assistance

Mold is unsightly and difficult to deal with. It’s also harmful to the structure of your home and your health. If you’ve recently discovered mold on your hardwood floors, don’t wait to call a mold restoration company for help. At California Steam Clean, we have the tools and experience you need to get your home back to the way it was.

Call us at (707) 236-8798 to schedule an appointment for mold removal and treatment today.