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Warning Signs of a Sewage Backup

The most common signs of a sewage backup are foul odors and clogged drains.

Sewage backups are bad. And that’s putting it lightly. Since sewers process wastewater, your home can quickly become contaminated when a sewage backup occurs. Furthermore, sewage releases airborne contaminants that can make you sick. These symptoms include fevers, cramping, and other gastrointestinal issues. This is why it’s so important to be able to recognize the signs of a sewage backup. Here are some of the most common signs:

1. Foul Odors Coming From the Drain

Sewage backups commonly occur in your toilet, bathroom sink, and tub. If there is a backup, you will notice a foul odor coming from these drains. This odor will smell like sewage. Most homeowners describe the smell as rotten eggs. The odor will be very noticeable and unmistakable. 

2. Clogged Drain

Similarly, a clogged drain could be a sign of a sewage backup. While clogged drains can be the result of hair blockage or soap scum, you shouldn’t just assume that’s what it is. When a clogged drain occurs due to a sewage backup, it will affect your lowest drains first. This includes your main sewer line, bathroom tub, sink, and toilet. 

3. Bubbling 

One of the biggest warnings signs of a sewage backup is if your toilet or other drains start to bubble. When wastewater has nowhere to go, it has no choice but to head back to the surface where it starts to bubble. If you notice this, it’s a sign that a sewage backup could happen any minute.

4. Your Toilet Isn’t Flushing Properly

Sometimes, toilets get clogged if too much toilet paper is used. However, if your toilet still isn’t flushing properly even after plunging it, this could be a sign of a much larger problem. Keep in mind that it’s normal to see a small number of bubbles after you plunge. However, if this doesn’t go away in the next few minutes, it’s probably because of a sewage backup. 

5. Water is Backing Up Into Another Drain

If you flush your toilet and notice that the water is backing up into your tub, it’s a sign of a sewage backup. When water starts backing up into other drains, it’s a sign that there is some sort of blockage preventing water from flowing the way it should. Furthermore, if you notice that the water is brown when it backs up, this is a sign of a problem. You should also be on the lookout for dirty water, as well.

Don’t Handle a Sewage Backup Yourself. Call the Team at California Steam Clean to Schedule an Appointment

The aftermath of a sewage backup can be a nightmare to deal with yourself. That’s why calling a professional cleanup company is critical. At California Steam Clean, we have years of experience handling sewage backups as well as other types of water damage. We will safely and effectively treat the affected area so your home and health are protected. 

Call the sewage backup professionals at California Steam Clean at 707-755-7190. We’re happy to offer you a free estimate.