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What Does Professional Carpet Cleaning Entail?

Professional carpet cleaning can reduce allergens and odors.

Did you know your carpet probably has odors that you can’t smell anymore? It’s true! Over time, our noses adjust to odors within our homes. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t smell. Carpets absorb all types of odors, including mold and pet dander. Professional carpet cleaning makes your carpets look (and smell) like new. 

What Does Carpet Cleaning Do? 

The goal of professional carpet cleaning is to remove stains and allergens from the fibers. All in all, the process can take as little as three hours to clean all the carpets in your house. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate, and the cost and time it takes to clean will vary depending on the size of your rooms and carpets. 

Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning

There are many benefits of professional carpet cleaning. They include:

  • Removal of dirt and grime
  • Reduction of allergens
  • Removal of animal stains and odors
  • Removal of dust mites

Read on to learn more about each of these benefits. 

1. Removal of Dirt and Grime

Some studies show that carpets can be dirtier than toilet seats. It makes sense. We track in dirt and grime. Our pets bring in bugs and mud. They also sometimes relieve themselves on the carpet. We change diapers on the floor. And we sometimes eat and drink on the floor, which can result in spills. 

In other words, life happens on your floor. Professional carpet cleaning combats these effects. It removes obvious stains, as well as those that are hidden inside the fibers. This can clean hard-to-reach areas you may otherwise not notice. If left untreated, stained rugs can detract from the beauty of your room. Getting your carpets cleaned is a great way to freshen up their appearance!

2. Reduction of Allergies

Allergens such as dust, mold, and pet dander get trapped inside the fibers of the carpet. This means you’re constantly breathing in bacteria that can trigger allergies. First, carpet cleaning removes these allergens from the inside out so you can breathe easier. Second, they can make being in your home more comfortable.

3. Removal of Animal Stains and Odors

Though many household cleaners claim they can remove animal stains and odors, they usually don’t treat them at the root. As a result, your home may smell like pet odors that you’ve otherwise gotten accustomed to. 

Professional carpet cleaning can get up those tough stains that have been penetrating your carpet for a long time. This will help your home smell better, too.

4. Removal of Dust Mites

Though invisible to the naked eye, your carpet is probably overrun with dust mites. These little pests feed on dead skin cells that live on carpets. Furthermore, dust mite infestations can trigger allergies by leaving behind fecal matter. 

Get Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned With Some Help From California Steam Clean

Clean carpets look better, and they can also help you breathe easier. The carpet cleaning experts at California Steam Clean are here to help freshen up your home. Call us at (707) 566-0315 to schedule a professional carpet cleaning appointment today.