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Common Causes of Bedroom Mold

Roof leaks and damp clothing are the most common causes of bedroom mold and require the assistance of a mold remediation specialist to remove.

When we think of mold, we commonly think of it developing in places like the kitchen or bathroom. But did you know that mold can also develop in the bedroom? Here are the top causes of bedroom mold and how a mold remediation specialist is the answer to getting your bedroom back to normal. 

A Leaky, Damaged Roof

Water damage is one of the most common causes of mold growth. Unfortunately, a leaky or damaged roof can cause mold to develop. This is especially true when the affected area is right above your bedroom. Mold develops in as little as 24 hours from water leaks in a damaged roof.

Humidity Caused by Weather Conditions/Broken Ventilation System

Mold thrives in warm temperatures. Humidity levels are higher during heatwaves and in certain parts of the country. Rain also causes humidity levels to rise. High levels of humidity and moisture inside your home cause mold spores to develop if your ventilation system isn’t working properly. This is because wet surfaces can’t dry as effectively when there is moisture in the air. This creates a hotspot for mold growth.

You Lay Out or Hang Up Wet Clothes

Sometimes there are pieces in your wardrobe you don’t want to dry to avoid shrinkage. So, you may choose to hang them up in the closet or lay them out over a chair to air dry. This act generates mold growth. Mold needs moisture to develop, so doing this spreads mold spores throughout the house. 

Dry items outside if you don’t want to put them in a dryer. If you do hang them inside, open a few windows and make sure your ventilation system is working.

Broken Pipes and Leaks Behind Walls

Homes are filled with pipes, with the majority of them hidden behind walls. Burst pipes and leaks cause water damage to the interior of these walls. A common example is an attic leak. An attic leak trickles down to the ceilings in closets. We usually keep closet doors closed. Mold develops because of this since closets don’t get ample ventilation.

When you notice a leak in your attic, take a flashlight and inspect the ceiling of your closet to make sure it didn’t get damaged. 

Call California Steam Clean Today to Remove Mold From Your Bedroom

When you notice mold in your bedroom, you need to hire a mold remediation specialist as soon as possible. Mold can trigger severe allergies and damage your personal belongings. Furthermore, mold also causes insomnia and other types of sleep disturbances. Your bedroom is your haven; don’t let it get taken away by mold. Call California Steam Clean today at 707-755-6961 to get started.