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Top 10 Places in Your House to Find Mold

Mold remediation can help eliminate mold in surprising areas around your home such as your closet, water cooler and attic.

Mold develops and thrives in dark and humid environments. This means that you can find mold in many corners of your house. Take a look at the top 10 most common places to find mold in your house and learn why mold remediation is crucial to both your home’s integrity and your family’s health. 

1. Your Attic

Your attic may be a prime spot for storage, but it’s also a prime spot for mold. Most attics have poor circulation, and poor ventilation can lead to mold growth. Combine this with humidity, moisture, and dim lighting, and mold can easily start to grow beneath the walls and floorboards of your attic. If you notice any water leaks in your attic or wet boxes, it could be a sign of mold. 

2. Your Basement

Like your attic, your basement is another prime spot for mold to grow, particularly Hypomyces rosellus, or Cobweb Mold. This type of mold often resembles cobwebs so it might be easy to overlook, especially if your basement regularly gets spider infestations. 

Next time you’re in your basement, take a look at the ceiling tiles and corners for mold, and be cognizant of anything that resembles cobwebs and even dirt. 

3. Your Closet

Dirty clothes can attract mold, especially if they have food or other bacteria on them. If you washed your clothes but left them in the washer for a little bit before drying them, re-run your washer. Wet clothes can develop mold, which can linger on your clothes, even after you’ve tossed them back into the dryer.

Even if you have clean clothes, try not to stack them in a huge pile in your closet as this can attract humidity, which will eventually lead to mold growth. 

4. Laundry Room

Your laundry room is full of moisture and humidity, thanks to the washing machine and dryer. Examine the inside of your washing machine for specks of mold and fix any leaks that occur as soon as possible. 

5. Windows

If you notice condensation on your windows, wipe it up right away to prevent mold growth. If moisture builds up around your windows, mold can develop. Another way to determine whether or not you have a mold problem is if you notice yellow streaking on any walls near windows; this is a sign that moisture is starting to build up that requires mold remediation as soon as possible. 

6. In and Below Your Sink

Mold also gathers inside your sink and in the cabinet below it. Always be sure to wipe up excess residue and water inside the sink every time you do the dishes. Also, be sure not to let dirty dishes sit out for too long. Be on the lookout for any water leakage in the cabinet. If you notice a pipe leak, attend to it as soon as possible.

7. Sliding Doors

If sliding doors aren’t properly sealed, they can develop mold because they don’t have protection from the rain and other elements. Mold most commonly builds up in the tracks of the sliding doors, so be on the lookout for dark spots that look like dirt. 

8. Your Carpet

After a water leak, you might not think to check your carpet for mold, but you should. If there’s mold on your carpet, it will usually have a musky odor. In most cases, this means mold is growing beneath the carpet. If it doesn’t smell, check for black or green discolorations. 

9. Inside Your Toothbrush Holder

Pools of water tend to gather at the bottom of your toothbrush holder after you put your toothbrush back after brushing. Don’t forget to regularly scrub out your toothbrush holder and soap dish to help prevent mold growth. 

10. Water Heater

Mold can develop when the drain on your water heater gets clogged or rusted. When this happens, it prevents liquid from being removed, which can create a hotspot for mold. To combat this, be sure to clean your HVAC drains. 

Get Professional Help With a Mold Remediation Specialist

As you can see, mold can spring up in many random areas of your home – many of which you may not have ever suspected. If left unattended, mold can quickly destroy your home. Don’t take any chances. Contact the mold remediation specialists at California Steam Clean to get your home back to normal: (707) 755-7190.