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Ways Dirty Tile & Grout Can Affect Your Health

Deep tile & grout cleaning can help rid your tile floor from harmful bacteria.

We all know that dirty tile and grout can be gross to look at, but did you know it can adversely affect your health as well? Your tile floor is riddled with germs and bacteria. Because of where tile is located, it often has mold, too. Mold often triggers allergies and causes other respiratory conditions, such as coughing and wheezing. Don’t let harmful bacteria build up on your grout or tile. If you notice it, you should hire a professional tile & grout cleaning service as soon as possible. 

Your Tile Floors Carry Different Types of Bacteria

Your tile floor sees a lot of foot traffic. Unfortunately, this brings in a blend of different types of bacteria. The most common types of bacterias found on floors include: 

  • Pseudomonas 
  • Staphylococcus
  • Micrococcus
  • Bacillus

All four of these are incredibly dangerous for humans. Pseudomonas causes respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, whereas Staphylococcus is the leading cause of skin infections; it can also cause blood infections and lead to pneumonia. 

Bacillus is a foodborne pathogen that causes vomiting and diarrhea. Like Staphylococcus, Micrococcus has been linked to pneumonia, as well as meningitis. 

All of these can cause serious ailments for those living in the house, which is why performing routine tile and grout cleaning on your floors is an essential part of warding off illness. 

Watch Out For Mold

While bacteria may live on your tile floor, it also lives in your bathroom. Mold develops in dark, humid environments. They also form when they’re exposed to moisture, making your bathroom and laundry room hot spots for mold spores. 

The most common type of mold that lives in bathtubs and other areas moist areas is called Alternaria. This type of mold has been known to trigger asthma symptoms. The second most common type of mold is Aspergillus, which you would commonly see on the tile walls in your shower. Like Alternaria, this kind of mold can also trigger respiratory conditions. However, it’s been linked to causing Aspergillosis in those who are immunocompromised; this fungal infection can be fatal, as it causes blood to seep into your lungs. 

But What About The Grout?

All this talk about tiles, but why should you clean your grout? For one thing, grout is a very porous material. This means it soaks up everything. Chances are, whatever you bring into your house is finding a new home inside your grout.

Call California Steam Clean For Professional Tile & Grout Cleaning Services Today

Not only can dirty tile and grout be an eyesore in your beautiful home, but they’re also riddled with bacteria. While you may be able to remove surface stains from your home with traditional cleaning methods, your tile and grout need to undergo a deep, thorough cleaning to wipe away any harmful bacteria. Your health is important; don’t let dirty grout and tile get the better of it. Call the tile and grout professionals at California Steam Clean at (707) 755-7079 to schedule an appointment.