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Mold Can Cause Structural Damage to Your Santa Rosa Home

Mold can eat away at wooden studs in walls, ceiling tiles and floorboards, making them susceptible to collapse. Mold remediation can help prevent these disasters in your Santa Rosa home.

When you think of mold, you probably think of the harmful effect it has on your health. While mold can definitely trigger allergies and negatively impair those who are immunocompromised, it can cause just as much damage to your home. Mold eats away at different materials such as wallpaper, ceiling tiles, and drywall. The longer you let mold sit in your home, the worse it’ll become. The best time to call a ​​mold remediation company is the second you spot mold in your Santa Rosa home. 

How Mold Destroys Your House

Think of mold as a slow-growing disease; it won’t severely damage your home the minute it develops. Instead, it will eat away at the materials over time. Mold develops and thrives in dark, humid conditions, making your home’s basement, attic, and bathroom hotspots for mold growth. 

That being said, mold can, unfortunately, develop anywhere there’s moisture. When mold starts to grow, it begins to slowly eat away at your carpet, walls, wooden studs, and floorboards. Over time, this can cause ceilings to collapse, walls to fall down, and floorboards to sink in. 

If you notice dark spots on your wall or floor or notice any bubbling in your wallpaper, this is mold and it needs to be removed right away. The same goes for a water leak, as mold can develop in as little as 24 hours if water damage is not remedied. 

While moisture is common for developing mold, it’s not the only place it can develop. Mold can also live inside your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. Due to the ongoing flow of air, mold spores can spread to other areas of the house that wouldn’t normally develop mold. 

Signs of Mold Growth in Your Home

There are several methods of identifying mold inside your home. As mentioned above, be wary of any black, brown, or green spots growing on the floor, walls, or ceiling. Likewise, pay attention to any bubbling on your painted walls or beneath wallpaper. In addition, be sure to pay attention to your health as you enter and exit a room. If you start coughing or sneezing or if your asthma flares up, this could be a potential sign of mold. 

Also, remember that mold has a very distinct odor. It is most often described as having a musky, stale smell. If you don’t currently have mold in your home but want to keep an eye out for it to prevent it, keep an eye on your walls; if they have yellow streaks on them, this is a sign of moisture that could later develop into mold. Remember, when it comes to mold, it’s always better to catch it before it happens – but if you can’t, there are options available. 

Contact California Steam Clean To Remove Mold From Your Home Today

Handling a mold problem yourself can be overwhelming. At California Steam Clean, removing mold is our specialty. We’ll determine the best course of action so you can breathe easier and preserve the structural integrity of your Santa Rosa home. Give us a call today at (707) 236-8798 to schedule an appointment for mold remediation.